Welcome to the LiteFarm Data App!

LiteFarm Data App is a web application that provides a user-friendly interface to visualize and study data from LiteFarm.

What is LiteFarm?

LiteFarm is a free and open source farm management tool built for current and aspiring sustainable farms. It was built by farmers and researchers coordinated by the University of British Columbia to address many challenges in farm management.

What is the app for?

Our application aims at helping LiteFarm users to get access and visualize the data available in the LiteFarm database, while respecting the core principles of our data sovereignty.

To enquire for access to the raw data, please contact our research team (Hannah Wittman and Khanh Dao Duc).



Built with Shiny


Developed by Khanh Dao Duc and Hannah Wittman's research groups at the University of British Columbia.